Simple Searches (no qualifiers)

Simple searches can be done by entering a word or phrase into the search field; this matches the entered word or phrase with text anywhere in the message.


medical – finds all messages with the word “medical” in it.

medical letter – finds all messages with the words “medical” and “letter” in them, the words “medical” and “letter” do not have to be adjacent and can appear separately anywhere.

“medical letter” – finds all messages with the phrase “medical letter” in them.

Restricted Characters

You must put the following in quotes ~ ‘ ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ ? / { }[ ] ; :

  • To search for #1890 you must type “#1890” in the search box.

Using * as a wildcard in Search

The asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard in a search to find content that contains words that have similar spellings.

Use the asterisk * as a wildcard after a prefix. For example, the search string do* returns items such as do, dog, door, etc.

Using Qualifiers and Examples

to: tocc: cc: or from:  All search the respective fields in the email. The search term can be text, as in “bruce”, “bruce wayne”, an email address such as “”, or a domain such as “”.

toccme: Same as from: except that it specifies me as one of the people to whom the email was addressed in the TO: or cc: header.

subject: Specifies text that must appear in the subject header of the message.  subject:”vacation policy”.

in: Specifies a folder. For example, in:sent would show all items in your Sent folder. This will only search in the specified folder and not in any sub-folders. See the “under” modifier for searching in a folder and its subfolders.

under: Specifies searching a folder and its sub-folders.

has: Specifies an attribute that the message must have. The types of object you can specify are “attachment”, “phone”, or “url”. For example, has:attachment would find all messages which contain one or more attachments of any type.

filename: Specifies an attachment file name. For example, filename:settlement  would find messages with a file attachment named “Settlement.pdf” or “Settlement.docx”.

attachment: Specifies any item with a certain type of attachment. For example, attachment:word would find all messages with Word attachments.

is: Searches for messages with a certain status – for example, is: unread will find all unread messages. Allowable values are “unread”, “read”, “flagged”, “unflagged”, “sent”, “draft”, “received”, “replied”, “unreplied”, “forwarded”, unforwarded”, “anywhere”, “remote” (in a shared folder), “local”, “sent”, “invite”, “solo” (no other messages in conversation), “tome”, “fromme”, “ccme”, “tofromme”. “fromccme”, “tofromccme” (to, from cc me, including my aliases)

date: Use this keyword to specify a date, using the format that is default for your browser’s locale (for US English the format is mm/dd/yyyy). For example, date:2/1/2007 would find messages dated February 1, 2007. The greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols can be used instead of after or before. >= and <= are also allowed.

after: Specifies mail sent after a certain date. For example, after:2/1/2007 specifies mail after February 1, 2007.

before: Same as after: except specifies mail before the specified date.

size: Specifies messages whose total size, including attachments, is a specified number of bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes For example, size:12 kb would find messages that are exactly 12K in size. The greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols can be used instead of bigger or smaller.

larger: Similar to size: except specifies greater than the specified size.

smaller: Similar to size: except specifies smaller than the specified size.

tag: Finds messages which have been tagged with a specified tag. For example, tag:wcb will find message that have a tag called “wcb” applied.