This feature allows you to send one email message to all members with an email address recorded. However, in many cases the email address is personal. Please consider the sensitivity of content before sending. Only the UNANet service should be considered secure. Accounts such as or are often accessed by others.
There is a E-Mail Centre button on the Members & Employees page.
The Message interface will open. Complete the message using the Subject and Body fields. Review and correct any errors. If an attachment is desired, click on Choose File to locate and attach the file. Note the restriction to 5MB in size and the limit of one attachment per message.
Once you click on Mail to: you can choose the email lists. Click on See List then Send.
The next screen will indicate how many members will receive the emails. Click on Schedule for Send. Reset E-mail Data will clear the loaded e-mail addresses and whatever they’ve entered into the Subject and Body fields, and reload the page to start “fresh“.
A confirmation screen will appear, click on Send to send the email.
Once you click on Send, a message will appear indicating the message sent successfully. There is no way to Unsend.