PRCs allow you to bring forward concerns regarding patient/client/ resident quality of care, staff safety, and workplace rights. You are advised to discuss concerns with your immediate supervisor and follow applicable employer reporting processes. You can report the concern to UNA using the reporting process(es) that best fit your concern. If in doubt, fill it out! Contact your UNA Local or a UNA office for assistance.

PRCs relate to patient/resident/ client safety and quality of care and can be reported to UNA on our mobile app (both iOS and Android) or website. The paper form and the form to fill online are now the same.

Here is how to submit an Online PRC:

  • You will choose your employer from the pop up menu. You can also choose the local, as well as the Worksite & Unit. If you are unsure of the:
    • Local: Please visit the UNA Locals for a list of the locals. If you are sure of the Worksite & Unit and not the local, you can search the Worksite & Units with keywords such as ‘Emerg’ to search all Locals.
      • You can then click the local.
    • Worksite & Unit: There are three main forms of searching for the Workplace & Unit:
      1. Leaving the Local blank allows you to do a “global” search of all the Sites & Units.
      2. You can perform a search (either with or without a search term) first, then you either pick the desired unit or “Entire Site” if the unit isn’t listed/doesn’t exist. By leaving it blank, it will load every Unit for the currently-selected local.
      3. You can search for keywords such as ‘Emerg’.
  • Important Note: The manager you report to will see your name being shared. Please see the below disclaimer.


  • ⭐️ New Feature: Details of concerns includes the date as well as the shift type.

    • Certain points will have nesting factors: such as
      • If you are under Details of Concerns > Concern type > Ongoing, only when you click it will it then populate

  • ⭐️ New Feature: Definitions
    • If you are unsure of any of the terminology, click the ‘Definitions’ button for further clarity.  This also applies to the Impact on Patients/Residents/Clients and Staff Section.


  • Submitter Information:
    • Whether it is individual or multiple people having this concern. By clicking group, it will populate a toggled button at the bottom of that section > Add additional signatory.


⭐️ As a member, you will be able to choose to Save the PRCF as a draft, or, when you are finished, ensure you click the Submit and Finalize box.

When you click Submit & Finalize, you will NO LONGER BE ABLE TO EDIT.