For your UNANet login password to meet the minimum criteria:
- Must be 8 characters or longer
- Include at least one capital letter, lowercase letter and numeric digit
*NOTE: to keep your UNANet account secure, you must have a unique password that is not used anywhere else. Your password for UNANet is confidential and should not be repeated for any other passwords and logins.
Choosing a secure Password
Ideal strong and secure passwords are difficult to guess – appear random. One password selection method that is easy to remember, and difficult to guess is to choose a phrase and use the first letter of each word adding numbers. Adding just one special character can increase the complexity of your password from good to great. Special characters such as: ^&”=, (<%>?$!, curly brackets { or }.
Many people run with scissors and love cutting herbs = Mprwsalch74^
I love to vacation in Maui and eat fresh fish too! = IltviMaeff2!3
Never begin a UNANet password with a special character.
Avoid Restricted special characters \ / – ? _ * # @
Changing your password from time to time is recommended. Using the same password year after year increases the potential that it could have been compromised.
If you are changing your UNANet password and have a mobile device configured, you want to read this document BEFORE you change your password so you can be prepared with all your mobile devices handy to prevent you from being locked out when a device automatically checks your mail repeatedly with an incorrect password.
If you are stuck trying to pick a passphrase to make your password from, there are also secure password generator websites that can give you random password suggestions that meet your selection criteria. To make them even more secure, add a special character not provided with the password:
- LastPass:
- Strong Password Generator Canada:
- Strong Random Password Generator:
- DinoPass:
Member note: PINs are unique and changed annually with the release of new membership cards. Password resets from DMS Web or the UNANet page will default to the PIN that is printed on your current years’ card and is CasESenSitiVe.
Replacement membership cards can be requested from Membership Services/Data Maintenance at Provincial Office. See UNA Membership How to Guide