Welcome to UNAnet!

As a Duespayer, you can apply for a UNA membership. This will grant you the ability to vote at UNA meetings and have access to member benefits such as education and scholarships. Read more about what UNA does for you here: Joining UNA

Go through the New Member Checklist: New Member Checklist

Apply for a UNA Membership

  • Online (You will need to know your Employer and Employee Number, as well as your Postal Code).
    • When applying online, there is an option to Automatically create my UNAnet account. This will create a UNAnet Account where you will have a UNA e-mail, and have access to DMS Web and UNA Forums
  • Paper Forms: You can contact Data Maintenance and request to fill out a Paper Form at data.maintenance@una.ca

Apply for a UNAnet Account

Once you have applied for a UNA Membership, we encourage our Members to apply for a UNAnet Account (if you hadn’t already when you applied for a Membership). This will give you access to a variety of tools and resources dedicated to supporting you.

  • Applying Online
    • Note: You will need your current Employer and Employee Number.

After applying, you will receive a UNAnet email (example@una.ca) as well as a current Membership Card. On this card, you will have an 8 digit PIN, which is CaSe SeNsiTiVe. This will be the default password to your UNAnet account.

Getting Started and Important Links:

Common How-To’s:

We have a Help Pages dedicated to step-by-step guides on various topics. Please visit UNA Help for things such as